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Improving business relationships is customer relationship management(CRM)

CRM is a one stop shop for your sales needs.  It is a sure shot way to increase your sales productivity. CRM softwares helps you build a lasting relationships with your customers.

CRM software helps you gather all of the data that you have about our customer in one single place. CRM is not just a software but a guide that helps to buid your business better and provide enhanced customer services.

It can be customised to your business needs and could help in identifying potential leads as well. With cloud computing growing big time, we may also see a huge upsurge in CRM mobile Apps, which could completely change the ways in sales department performs.

CRM could be viewed as a technology, strategy and as a process.

It deepens the relationships with customers, service users, colleagues, partners and suppliers.

One can view everything under one area: A dash board that can give data about customer’s history with you, status of their orders, outstanding customer service issues and much more.

For any futuristic business growth plans, CRM is the best strategy to rely upon.

It helps to automate tasks and save lot of time. It helps to automate repeated tasks in marketing. Service automation is also done which helps to support customers through multiple channels like phone, email, ticketing portals etc..

Sales force CRM  is helping customers achieve  25% Sales pipe line, 36% sales productivity, 26% sales win rate,45% forecast accuracy and 30% revenue. Thus with a single view of customer interaction, one can sell, service and market like never before.

Monitor your business from anywhere, anytime  and increasing customer satisfaction,loyalty plus retention are major plus points of CRM Sales force.

You get more leads and close more deals as well.

Salesforce CRM can improve 37% sales revenue, 45% customer satisfaction and get 43% more ROI.

Proper alignment of CRM strategy to overall business objectives is the most crucial deciding factor for successful business growth. PTS consulting service is fully established and experienced in giving apt strategies for CRM.