Omni Channel

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Unified Multiple channel approach to sales to offer consistent customer experience.

Cross channel content strategy that helps a company to improve its user experience is the talk of the town.

Several inter connected devices within arm’s reach has pushed techies to invent and drive the Omni-channel experience for business models and its customers.

If a business has fantastic mobile marketing, engaging social media campaigns, a well designed website and an amazing e-commerce platform, but does not integrate all of these to provide an unified customer experience, it cannot boast of an Omni-channel marketing strategy anymore.

PTS consulting helps businesses to give a seamless experience to its customers by integrating all multi-channels into Omni-channel model.

Consistent messaging across these channels would make it an Omni-channel experience for clients.

Starbucks, Disney, Bank of America are some the standing examples of Omni-channel brand. Which means, their distribution, promotion and sales are integrated at their back ends.

Omni-channel combines the faces of physical retailing and online retailing into e-tailing. In today’s world of consumer retailing, 56 % of every dollar spent in a physical store comes through a digital experience. Companies with well-defined Omni- channel customer experience strategies in place achieve a 91% higher year over year increase in customer retention rate compared to non Omni-channel marketing companies.

We help businesses to create modern supply chain – one that extends delivery across mobile apps, stores, social media and websites. Artificial Intelligence enabled Chat bots are also a part of this supply chain.