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Proactive data driven decision making

Whether it’s your board room, factory floor, or a web shop during our customer’s buying process, analytics and data solutions will enable better decision making at right interaction points.

PTS consulting services, working as a data science team, is designed to provide predictive analytics and statistical capabilities at the organization level to support effective decisions.

Big data, Business analytics, dash board visualization, cloud computing tools, platforms and technologies  are the trending data solutions that help to maximize business value from data.

Business Intelligence (BI) tools  and analytics are the need of the hour for generating IT reports.  These tools facilitate rapid decision making. Building consistency around data processing , giving 3-D view of business trends and customer behaviours become evident through analytics.  Analytics thus helps in making better, faster and smarter business decisions at a fraction of the cost.

Data warehousing is something that extracts value from organization’s historical

data. Decision making and analytical reporting in a corporate is based on a good data ware housing.

Analyse patterns for accurate recommendations and predictions is something onl an advanced analytics software can do.

PTS consulting take active participation in an organizations analytics and data solutions by providing right IT strategy for every requirement.

Operational efficiency, value added data services, stand alone commercial analytical products are all the values that we provide as consulting services to our clients.

Our Analytics and data solutions could include the following based on client’s needs:

Management dash board, Online, IoT and Big Data Analytics, Advance Data Analytics and Data Discovery, financial and operative reporting, Embedded and Extranet Analytics,  and self service analytics.