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Rapid changes like complete digital transformation and restructuring customer experience for their conveniences demands flexible and sustainable softwares.

Dynamic and agile environments are very much the answer for these needs.
Hence, agile method is gathering a lot of momentum in almost all large organizations.

Agile software development manifesto was the first concept introduced in these lines. Scrum, Lean IT and XP are the various Agile softwares developed in these lines. Then came SAFe, which is the framework developed to scale Agile IT development for large corporates. Later technology like spotify came into existence which developed an operating model based on Agile and DevOps principles. From there on, Agile grew up to become a way of running an entire organization. Though its hard to agile our enterprise , it’s necessary to do that in order to survive in today’s digital boom. For example, rise of E-books, led to an international book and music retailer company like Borders file bankruptcy.

One has to combine multiple initiatives at one go to make a successful agile transformation in an organizations. Agile operating and sourcing models, people skills and agile culture, digital tools and platforms are the various domains one has to focus to agile an enterprise in its entirety.

PTS consulting can offer best solutions to agile our enterprise. We help you balance investments across various domains that need to be revamped for agile technology and we help businesses to withstand disruptions and still grow. We travel along with the businesses and transform them into agile enterprises as this process itself could be a multi-year process.